Question from German Chancellor "Angela Merkel" embarrass "mark zuckerberg"

Drew German Chancellor "Angela Merkel" question on Facebook founder "mark zuckerberg" during the United Nations meeting for development at a lunch, and the question was regarding the limitation of the dissemination of racism and hatred within the Facebook network.

And "insisted Merkel" to "mark" through raised several questions in the same regard, live on
 the steps takes by Facebook to block posts highlighting racism and hate, especially when you know Germany challenges and lawsuits against foreigners after it opened its doors to accommodate the Syrians, he replied, the founder of Facebook embarrassing "we have to do some work."
And finally: rewrote merkel question "are you working on this?" he simply reply: "Yes."

Several media sources about the embarrassment that began on "mark zuckerberg" after asking these questions by the German Chancellor, especially as they had earlier complained of the failure of the administration of Facebook in response to racist comments and publications.

Meanwhile, the founder of Facebook had announced earlier that it intended to contract with an unnamed companies to control Internet content and publications that incite racism and hatred.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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