Monthly decision on YouTube soon became by October

Sent a message to the owners of dedicated YouTube premium channels and enabled assure them near the launch of monthly contributions on YouTube on 22 October and invites them to agree to the new terms of use according to Re/site code.

And invites the message users with premium channels on YouTube to accept the new terms, but it will not display the new subscription service vidiwathm.

And provide service subscriptions on YouTube to see videos premium channels and content provided by YouTube star without ads for $ 10 per month.
And contributions will come with Paywall that prevents users from accessing the site content without payment of a subscription.
And may provide this service income offset channels owners about their incomethrough advertising.

The dedicated it in the October 22 will launch service to all participants initially in the United States.

And it is noteworthy that YouTube announced earlier that it did not achieve any profit through content on its platform, it has spent since 2005 after it acquired dedicated 10 years providing free content.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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