Reports: So thats how Twitter spying on its users!

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It seems that the spy scandals and violating users ' privacy remains an essential source of news in the digital world, and among the recent revelations is explicit accusations addressed to social networking site Twitter to spy on users, particularly with regard to private messages.

U.s. media revealed that a group of us users have decided to sue in the courts of California and exactly in San Francisco to protest what they called social networking site spy toitralihm especially at the level of private messages where the site was accused of access to private messages and change the content.

According to intended users, the Twitter breach the privacy of private messages "Direct Messages" through consultation and change, Twitter in particular by changing the links sent to these messages which are often long and compensated by a shorter links like "http://*. ** ' site, a practice by Twitter in order to reduce the number of characters used in communications but also for commercial purposes and advertising as they contribute to Internet mobility and strengthens its position on the Advertisinglevel, all without the user's knowledge.

For its part, Twitter was quick to respond through the media, noting that "these accusations are not based on any solid foundations and would fight them", and this is not the first time that accusing companies of digital world of spying on its users both to use pooled data for advertising or other purposes.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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