After failed tests. Google revives his ambition


The "Google Glass" glasses one of Google smart ambitious projects that users waited a long while launching a company to a trial which lasted during the months without reaching a final result, after the company announced the suspension of the project in its old features appear again began but with different wording.

Although delay made by Google at the level of her spectators smart Google Glass but we can say that its competitors in this area belonging to wearable devices did not move much because the field is still in its infancy, the smart glasses and don't have full experience in this framework and is pushing Google to give fresh impetus to its project on the smart glasses.

Newspaper "Business Insider" famous draft noted Google's smart glasses that were previously Google name Glass from now on will bear a new name is "Projet Aura" and engineered "Ivy Ross" will remain at the helm of the project plus Toni Fadel, Executive Director of the company "Nest" of Google, the company also has three betodiv employees of Amazon and exactly from the famous Lab126 laboratory responsible for a number of distinctive innovations for Google.

And this event will be a new challenge to Google, which seems determined to eject her spectators smart full advantages of the public in the near future, it may be that over the next year.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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