In pictures: this is a Chinese operating system successor to Windows XP

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There is no doubt that the Microsoft Windows XP system was among the most successful in the world especially in a country where a very large proportion of users such as China, and that Microsoft's decision last year to stop a final technical support system has angered Chinese who rely heavily on Windows XP but they seem to overcome this problem.

Comes with operating system "NeoKylin" is derived of the Kylin system developed by the Chinese army in 2007 and which is in turn distributed to the Linux operating system and is on the graphical side hand interface fully identical to Windows XP as well as some famous features in the system trash basket or start button and start menu and Explorer files as system will come with a special office under the name of "NeoShine", will the Firefox browser by default, but the system will not allow Install some software on top of the Google chrome browser. Plus it would not be possible to run Microsoft software as that particular Linux distribution.

Chinese new NeoKylin system alternative to Windows XP is already in the Chinese market by default on computers Inc. "Dell" according to this website of Quartz.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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