Shocking: man bought domain name only $12 !

صادم: رجل قام بشراء إسم نطاق مقابل 12 دولارا !

Spread during the last hours of a strange and shocking news about man buy domain name owned by u.s. giant Google versus the amount not exceeding us $ 12, and the news is not a joke, the published photo confirms this.

And it started when " Sanmay Ved" entry platform "Google Domains" and created by Google for selling domain names to create websites, and surprised men by chance that the name of world months range available and only for $ 12, and although very surprised however concerned actually did purchase successfully range where the amount was withdrawn from his account and complete the process.

Sanmay Ved posted photographs on his website "linked to" confirm his statements on this matter and suggested that it actually could put hand on and scope become site managers with all the special powers in this regard and began to find the next site notices, but that lasted only a few minutes where calculations and happily alert website operators for this mistake and gross and email sent to men telling them to cancel the sale.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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