Apple store e-mail subjected to electronic attack and hundreds of targeted applications

متجر آبل الإلكتروني يتعرض لهجمة إلكترونية كبيرة و مئات التطبيقات مستهدفة

Apple acknowledged on Sunday that the electronic store "app store" experience of Cyberattack caused dangerous malware and infected a large number of applications on the app store, Apple indicated that it was currently working on cleaning up the store of this code.

And although it is rare that Apple's system to such security breaches significant compared to Android but that malicious software had caused significant damage to the eStore and injuring hundreds of applications, and the number of security companies had discovered earlier that there are malicious scripts embedded in a number of applications as WeChat, Tencent Holdings or also apply as Didi Kuaidi these companies that persuade hackers to a number of developers of applications using Xcode tool that Contain malicioussoftware coming from Chinese servers.

And pointed out the security company Qihoo360 Techology quoted international news agency Reuters, they discovered nearly 344 application infected with malware "XcodeGhost" and pointed out that the security firms-malware damage remains until now limited and there is no systematic theft and large data users, Apple has confirmed they are currently cleaning up her store of this malware.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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