Bonus $ 1 million to succeed in penetrating the system iOS 9 !

مكافأة مليون دولار لمن ينجح في اختراق نظام 9 iOS !

Website "Zerodium" for a huge financial reward up to limits of $ 1 million to each of the successfully penetrate Apple's new iOS 9 system, whether a person or a group through a gap he managed to break the protection system in a way that muted and remotely without direct contact with the device.

Zerodium is a platform founded in the month of July the last platform sharing vulnerabilities of the type "0-day" but do not share with the public or to electronic protection but you resell this information to security intelligence kalghsh or institutions specialized companies in this area and that this vital information and interest sensitive where huge sums are paid for it.

Zerodium platform and within the framework of the project "The Million Dollar iOS 9 Bug Bounty", estimated at 3 million dollars will be awarded $ 1 million for each individual or group succeed by exploiting a security hole in Apple's new iOS system 9 lock protection system without direct contact by phone the iPhone but only remotely via Web browser or SMS SMS or multimedia message, MMS, no later than one month from September 21 And until the 31st of October.

And Apple iOS system 9 is more than the company's systems protect and secure and making many security agencies, especially American concerned the difficulty of penetrating a system for tracking the activities of some people that say these players that they might pose a potential, and this opportunity to discover any new vulnerability without developer or public opinion.

About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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