Application of tutorial from Google guide you lessons in Internet marketing for free!

If you have any particular project on the Internet so be sure that you are going to need some lessons in your business in order to develop your skills and improve your performance and creativity in your business also, and specifically professional blog will help marketers on advertising online in most areas and by applying new company announced ' Google ' because this app called ' Primer '.

Apply the Primer, which is a quick and easy way to learn new skills on marketing online, which allows you to see and preview some of the lessons useful and also anywhere and anytime you specify, the application also provides topics and new lessons every week and you will be informed of new algorithms for online marketing and creative in your work.

And the nice thing is that the application works on both Android and IOS IP making most smart devices benefit from this educational app, and you can start to find lessons about marketing through declarations and strategies adopted and many things you will discover her yourself, but that you can use the application and if you are not an Internet connection also renewed application and works to add more tutorials to develop the skills of his browsers.

Download link: Android - Ios


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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