Learn about the SOC found in smart phones and his turn

I will try this post to explain to you on fast "SOC" technology

With the dawn of Android, several companies compete in offering faster phones and her thin, but now talk as well as battery and how much usability with phone for longer time, because this keeps the front of the phone manufacturers search techniques in order to increase the efficiency of the battery, as well as to make phones become consumed less electricity, to become manufacturers of processors phones trying to integrate with several other technologies such as albrosisr graphic card slot memory controller controller. But also aloivi sometimes GPS ... Etc and this technique is made up by the SOC where it's abbreviation for the Word System on chip (the system outlined in one chip, it means your phone with all its characteristics and measuring the total chip in no longer than 2 inches)

Of course, with the creation of this new type of processors find that mother's card for phones become thinner, smaller, but also may consume less electric power.

Otherwise we find this kind of processors the SOC which is Snapdragon of the strongest and best-known manufacturers of this processor poses in 32-bit versions and 64-bit.

Where the latter is twice faster than the 32-bit versions. It also allows you to use more than 4 GB of RAM and even the new chipset in this category may use infinite capacity of RAM.

But as for 64-bit features, also refers to the problem that might not be compatible with several applications which does not support this version but the number of developers prefer to put their applications on 32-bit. Which makes the applications are not compatible with the 64-bit version.
Yes the issue is only a matter of time, with widespread made 64 processors, the technological necessity will force the developers subtract applications fully support 64 processors.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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