Malicious software targeting ATMs and banking cards owners threatened

برمجية خبيثة تستهدف الصرافات الآلية و تهدد أصحاب البطاقات البنكية

Discover e-protection experts from the security company "FireEye" malicious program from new generation targeted ATMs and devise a stunt to get the card user and then acquired and used later.

And it is not surprising to experts in the field of electronic discovery group protection from viruses and malware that seek guidance ATMs, but the security firm FireEye experts indicated that they discovered during the past few days a new kind of software and comes with software called "Backdoor.ATM.Suceful" and specifically targeted ATMs-NCR and Diebold and running Windows and scattered all over the world.

According to security experts, the malicious program works differently from the rest of the software discovered previously, after this last ATM withdrawal card user during entry than thought with this latest malfunction in teller and once parting his card after unsuccessful attempts to retrieve the hacker based on distance to enter a secret code on the ATM to restore this card after the malicious program has managed to decrypt and access card Information for the user account, this code can also disable ATM or some attributes.

FireEye Inc. noted that so far there is no concrete evidence that this malicious program already used in the current time where it was first detected in the platform involved information malware VirusTotal has created exactly on Aug. 25 this year, but remains very dangerous if used, would have wide repercussions.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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