Method of controlling a display resolution videos to speed up a period of functioning on Facebook

Facebook, like other large sites, they do not cease updates and improves its position every time and that's what you always site founder ' always thinking about ways to improve Facebook ' this what this mark, but our subject today is for the current update from Facebook and is update that provides advanced settings while watching video on Facebook also increases ease of control, and from among these Featuresrecall the possibility to choose the video resolution on Facebook and that is what we will explain him on this subject.

طريقة التحكم في دقة عرض الفيديوهات من أجل تسريع مدة اشتغالها على الفيس بوك

All you need is to go to your account settings on Facebook or Settings and then click on the option Videos or also you can go to this link and you will see a page of video settings and precise actuation, here, of course, if you have a good connection, then activate the option HD and that you have a weak Internet throughput, choose HD Only.

This way, you control the quality of the videos on Facebook and even accelerate the potential dahorha depending on throughput your advertising online, and sign it, there are some accounts that did not appear to them these new property and have not only wait for it in the way you will receive soon!


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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