Mark in solidarity with student Ahmed Mohamed and invites him to visit Facebook

مارك يتضامن مع الطالب أحمد محمد و يدعوه لزيارة فيسبوك

Spread over the last few hours the story us Muslim student Ahmed Mohamed, "which were only guilty is devising an electronic clock to carry him to the high school for his colleagues and school student Ahmad delight turned into a nightmare after his arrest because his school management that it had concerning the attempted bomb" industry ".

And did not know a Muslim student from Texas, "Ahmed Mohamed" could just bring electronic clock of innovation on Monday to his high school "MacArthur" will bring all these problems and will live in the nightmare of detention in a Centre for minors after Police Department reported minor "explosive object" not only the time by Ahmed.

Student Ahmed Mohamed received during the last wave of solidarity from American dignitaries and headed us President "Barack Obama" who advocates through Twitter to Tweet the White House and carrying the watch with him, urging the need to inspire American children for life-long learning through story.

But keep those flagship advocacy received Ahmed Mohammed "by Mark to the ghriba supported in its codification on his Facebook and his solidarity then officially advocates to visit the headquarters of the company to meet him.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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