New report on the collapse of the growth rate of Internet users in the world!

In a new report from the United Nations which spoke the broadband Commission for substantial slowdown in the growth of the Internet in the world, but noted that this growth in important ratios decline by 2020.

The report stated that the majority of the Earth's population and more than half are still without Internet connection and this begs the question point especially to a lot of people think that everyone in the twenty-first century are connected to the Internet.

The report predicts that the growth rate of Internet users in the world will fall by 8 percent during the current year, in addition to the decline of 8.6 percent the year 2014, adding he did not expect the number of Internet users exceeds 4 billion by 2020.

But the report said that despite slower growth in the number of Internet users around the world, but that the rise indicated that the number of user 3.2 billion of the Earth's population use the Internet regularly each day, up from 2014 the number of 1.8 billion users to the Internet daily.

And the report indicated that the proportion of illiteracy around the world have had an impact on the non-registration rates for the largest number of Internet users who have regular daily access.

Many social networking sites most important Facebook knew a considerable increase in the number of users, despite the slowdown in the growth of the number of Internet users around the world.

However, slow growth rates, Internet users in the past two years and coming years as expected, explain that he expected the number of Internet users to its peak and then begin to decline, this may indicate a collapse of the Internet in coming years.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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