Microsoft lost the surprise and reveal her new telephones by error!

مايكروسوفت تضيع المفاجأة و تكشف بالخطأ عن هاتفيها الجديدين !

It seems that Microsoft missed the surprise part which had been prepared some time ago to reveal her telephones new lumia 950 and lumia 950 XL media indicated that the company has detected devices on the eStore.

And Microsoft was announced especially effective in October, exactly in the sixth, and it was known that the company will announce this on two new phones coming 950 and lumia 950 XL and despite leaks involving computers but Microsoft remained discreet and they want to preserve the element of surprise but apparently missed it

And as the image that specialized media which appeared on the online store for Microsoft phone screen come lumia 950 5.2 inches and main camera 20 mighabiskil, plus storage space up to 32 GB, either lumia 950 XL, will come with a measuring 5.7 inches and 20 mighabiksil camera and internal storage up to 32 GB with two devices will work with Windows OS 10 without mentioning price.

And the Microsoft has missed the surprise detection on 6 October.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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