Video: scientists discover a new use of WiFi !

بالفيديو: علماء يكتشفون استعمالا جديدا لـ الواي فاي !

There is no doubt that WiFi technology defined common and major use during the past few years and has contributed to many users connect to the Internet, but it seems that uses this technology will remain exclusive to this area but soon overtaken by others.

"A group of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of technology/MIT" discovered a new use for fi manages to explore the objects behind walls, and can do so through a new device developed by the scientists for this purpose, the device carries the name "RF-Capture" and the latter send WiFi signals on one wall there behind someone and through these signals is configured different images of body organs and with the help of these pictures algorithm and next configure the full picture about the human body that is located behind the wall Up to 90 percent.

This new technology was able to monitor the breathing and heart of a person and can be used in various fields such as health and technology in particular field of electronic games in addition to the security aspect.


About hisham afkir

My name is Hisham afkir, Moroccan nationality, I am 23 years old, I love blogging and interested in everything new in the world of technology.
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